Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Remove Timeline on Facebook

In actual fact, you cannot strip your Facebook account off its timeline look. Once your profile is converted to Timeline, you'd be on Timeline for the rest of your Facebook life (at least at the time of writing, and as long as FB technical staff are on their toes warding off hackers and wannabe hackers like you and me). You can however, view your profile (and everybody else's, for that matter) in its old style. That means that you can view your profile like it was before Timeline happened, but technically, your profile is still on Timeline feature (so that your friends and everybody else who'll look at your profile will still see the Timeline). Change can happen on your end only (unless of course your friends have disabled the Timeline also). So, how do you hide and disable timeline? Simple, you tweak your browser.

There are many Timeline removers for different browsers available on the net, some are free of charge some are not. Some are complicated and some are simple. I'd recommend this as it's really a simple "click download button, run the file and voila!" (it's free too), but you can also download anything you prefer.

Happy Facebooking!

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